Centrafuse is a complete media & hardware management software solution for in-vehicle computer systems.
Centrafuse is a touch screen controlled, user interface for vehicle computer systems. Centrafuse offers an unparalleled feature set, empowering & simplifying driver-control over a wide range of functions.
Centrafuse XE : Like SE-version, but with additional support for cell phones.
More informations and free trial-download
Note : If you only order this product then you do not have to pay for shipping (we remove shipping charges after you placed the order) and we do not ship a CD/DVD to you. You will receive the product activation code by email. If you would like to get a CD/DVD containing the software, then please leave a note in the order comment field.
Update 09.05.2008 : Includes free upgrade-right to version 2.0 (Final in June 2008)
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Customer ratings:

Average rating, based on 4 ratings
some feature to improve but a real good software (the price pheraps is a bit too high for the prduct)